Super Fun Classes You & Your Dog Will Love!
Benton is pleased to offer and teach the following dog training classes. To be eligible for class registration your dog must: be 6 months
or older, have written proof of current vaccinations (DHLPP, Bordetella & Rabies) and be licensed in your county of residence. To register, please fill out and submit the form at the bottom of the page.
Kids Make the Best Dog Trainers
In each of these classes, children
(age 9 -13) learn how to positively reinforce, communicate with and motivate their family dogs to do basic good manner behaviors. Kids learn and teach using the clicker training method. Classes are open to dog friendly dogs only. These are not off-leash socialization classes. Classes are designed to strengthen the relationship and communication between child and dog.
Level I - kids teach their dogs: sit, down, wait, stay,
leave it, come, & tricks
* Class meets at PBDT in Noe Valley
* 6 weekly sessions
* Saturdays at 10 a.m.
* Sep 13, 20, 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, 2014
* $150
Level II – kids review level 1 skills adding distractions, duration and distance - teaching their dogs: long distance recalls, 1 minute down stays, loose leash walking,
settle quietly on a mat and more fun tricks
* Class meets at PBDT in Noe Valley
* 6 weekly sessions
* Saturdays at 11 a.m.
* Sep 13, 20, 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, 2014
* $150
The Real World
This class picks up where basic dog training classes leave off. We apply the skills your dog has already learned in training classes to daily life in the real world - promoting better communication and safety. Dogs learn how to safely and politely: get in & out of cars, move in and out of doorways, walk on hiking trails, settle quietly at outdoor cafes, and come when called at the beach. Dogs practice self control and focusing their attention on their owner.
Each class session will convene at a different outdoor SF location. Pre-requisite: all dogs must have completed a basic obedience class.
* Class meeting places will be emailed to students after enrollment
* 6 weekly sessions
* Sundays at Noon
* Sep 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 2014
* $180
Leash Launchers
This is a semi-private class that teaches dog owners how to train and manage
dogs who lunge, growl and bark at other dogs while walking on leash. Dogs learn it is more fun and rewarding to focus on their owner, than other dogs. There are only 2 dog/handler teams in
each class. Initially, dogs are hidden from view of each other. Dogs are slowly and thoughtfully desensitized to each other. When ready, both owners walk their dogs on side street sidewalks to practice newly learned skills like: u-turn, come fore, look away, find it, and catch .
* Class meets at PBDT in Noe Valley
* 4 weekly sessions
* Fridays at 6 p.m.
* Dates To Be Announced
* $120
Tricks Are For Kids!
In these classes, children (age 9 -13)
"capture" and "shape" their dogs' behaviors using a method called clicker training. Kids teach their dogs tricks ranging from useful to just plain goofy. Classes are open to dog friendly dogs who have already completed level 1 of the "kids" class or a week of camp with their kid handlers. Classes are designed to strengthen the relationship and communication between child and dog.
Level I – example tricks: paw shake, bow, crawl, back up, gimme ten, jump over your friends!
* Class meets at PBDT in Noe Valley
* 6 weekly sessions
* Saturdays at 1 p.m.
* Sep 13, 20, 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, 2014
* $150
Level II –
example tricks: wipe your
paws off on a towel, play soccer, turn a
light switch on!
* Class meets at PBDT
* 6 weekly sessions
* Saturdays at 2 p.m.
* Sep 13, 20, 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, 2014
* $150
Free Foster Dog Training Classes
This free walk-in class is offered monthly to dedicated foster parents who so generously offer their homes and hearts to Bay Area rescue groups. Teaching foster dogs basic skills and manners help them become more attractive to potential adopters. In this fast-paced class, dogs learn: sit, down, stay, leave it, come when called and to walk politely on leash. This is not an off-leash socialization class. Only dogs who are comfortable around other dogs when on-leash are welcome.
* Class meets at Dolores Park (Dolores and 19th Street)
* First Sunday of every month at 9 a.m.
* Free
Free Public Dog Training Classes
This free walk-in class is offered monthly to any dog owner in San Francisco who would like to improve their relationship with their furry best friend. In this fast-paced class, dogs learn: sit, down, stay, leave it, come when called and to walk politely on leash. This is not an off-leash socialization class. Only adult dogs who are fully vaccinated, licensed and comfortable around other dogs when on-leash are welcome.
* Class meets at Dolores Park (Dolores and 19th Street)
* First Sunday of every month at 10 a.m.
* Free
Canine Good Citizen
Passing the nationally recognized AKC Canine Good Citizen Test is a terrific
goal for all dogs and their owners to try to achieve together. The test
demonstrates that your dog is well mannered in a variety of situations.
class, all ten of the required test exercises are taught and practiced:
1) Accepting a friendly stranger
2) Sitting politely for petting
3) Appearance and grooming
4) Walking on a loose leash
5) Walking through a crowd
6) Sit, Down and Stay in place
7) Coming when called
8) Reaction to another dog
9) Reaction to distractions
10) Supervised separation
Students who feel ready may take the CGC test (optional) on the last day of the
seven week class.
Dogs who pass can receive Canine Good Citizen
Certification. Requirement: This class is open to dogs
that have completed a basic obedience class.